Hi, about 1 year ago my large toe nail broke off because i dropped a weight plate on it, since it has regrown but regrow way thicker and it looks nasty. How do i go about fixing this problem I'm assuming probably surgery is the only way, but if any of you know of something else could you share.
Thanks.Thick Toenail?
hmmm. I don't know! One of my fingernails got completely torn off during a freak outdoor accident (something that I would totally like to forget! ouch!) I was so scared of how it would grow back! But when it eventually did....it looks completely normal! Not thick at all! Your toenail may have an infection under it! You might want to have your doc check it out....he'll probably prescribe some sort of antibiotic medication! and by the way.....damn that HAD to hurt! Poor thing! ouch! good luck!Thick Toenail?
You may have a fungak infection in it. Try a drugstore and use ask the pharmacy they will give you something
to use. Doesn't work go to the doctor!!!
Ya that really sucks! ; } Sorry I can't help.. If you look near the nail care stuff at the store you might be able to find something but i'm not too sure!!! Good luck with that!!
Did you ever go to the doctor after that happened? I had my finger caught in the car door i lost that nail but it grew back normal, the toenail should have done so as well you are sure u did not get it infected afterwards and did not care for it that is why it grew back that way. Check with a podiatrist.
The nail bed was damaged. It may correct itself as it grows out. I had one that did the same thing. Surgery will not fix the problem unless you want them to remove the nail and take a chance with it regrowing normal.
Nail fungus causes a thickening of the nail. Probably as it was growing back, it remained damp under the nail bed, causing the fungus to form. It's very difficult to get rid of. You need an Rx from your Dr.
eat more parsley.