
I think i have an ingrown toenail. Now what???

thanks to do it yourself pedis in my teens now the nails on my big toes are growing inward! it is painful to cut my nails now. i cut it straight. i read somewhere that a woman had to undergo painful surgery to correct her ingrown toe nail once... is that eventually going to happen to me???? how can i get rid of this problem??I think i have an ingrown toenail. Now what???
If you want the best answer,

consult your physician, podiatrist, parents, or nail-care professional,

in that order.

For the cheap way out, reverse the order.

It's your call.

P.S. There is no way to know whether do-it-yourself kits caused

your alleged problem. It could be genetic, the kind of shoes you wear,

how you walk, etc.I think i have an ingrown toenail. Now what???
Soak your foot in room-temperature water (add Epsom’s salt if you wish), and gently massage the side of the nail fold to help reduce the inflammation.

Don't keep cutting the nail, that will only make it worse.

