
Toenail fungus?

My boyfriend's had a toenail fungus for over 3 years, and hasn't done a whole lot except try one fungus pill that he found on Ebay. It looks pretty black, it's short and spikey. It doesn't grow at all and it keeps getting shorter. Should we even try Lamisil or is it too late? Is removing the nail and option and if so how does that look? Will it ever grow back into place?Toenail fungus?
He should go to a podiatrist. I would think it may have to come off so it can grow again fresh. I lost one once through damage, I had to keep the nail bed protected for a while but it grew back just fine.

I regularly use tea-tree oil to keep my toenails free of fungus.Toenail fungus?
Have your boyfriend go to a foot doctor. The doctor will know what to do next. The doctor may prescribe Lamisil.
Go to see a dermatologist. These fungus are hard to get rid of and it may mean removing the nail.There are several options for medication from pills to painting the nail with a special lacquer. Most of the time the nail grows back. If you are going to do something this is a good time of the year to do it. At least he isn't wearing sandals.

