
Swollen under the toenail?

I am used to ingrown nails/toenails because I get them all the time, so I know how to take care of them. But this time I had my middle toe nail getting very swollen. I cut the part that seemed to be bothering the skin but it wasn't going away. Next day it was swollen all around the nail and I even could see white collor underneath it, which I never had before. I cut it again and eventually it went away. Only the problem was the swollen under my nail eventually disattached my nail from the skin and now I am hoping my nail will get back. I heard that you are supposed to get your nail drilled to release the swollen but since I didn't have much pain and it was so quick, I didn't go to see the doctor. My toe looks healthy and fine and I keep a bandage on it. Did anyone have a similar experience? Anything I can do to prevent from swollening underneath again? Dont get me wrong. I didn't wait for days to go away. The swollen happened overnight and now I have to wait months to get a nail back.Swollen under the toenail?
I had a similar thing happen from trail running. My second toe hit the front of my shoe too much on the downhill parts. Anyway, that swelling was really like a water-filled blister. I used a sterilized needle and pierced and drained the blister for a few days until it went away completely. Most of the pain I felt was related to the upward pressure on my nail from the blister. Unfortunately, I ended up losing the toenail and kept a Band-Aid over it until it was healed (and until I began to get new toenail growth). Now though, it looks fine and you would not be able to tell that my toe went through such drama!Swollen under the toenail?
oh i m sorry 2 hear bout it, hope it gets betta, doz it hurtalot??
ow that's sad girl I hope it works out for ya I feel your pain I get ingrown toenails alot from cutting them to short hope it grows quickly
Looks like you got the area infected and need a short course of antibiotics. I have seen this a lot when people try to treat their own toenails and dig underneath the nail bed or into the skin. This allows the bacteria to get in and make the toe swollen and infected. If you really are suffering from chronic ingrown toenails, you should go see a podiatrist who fix them for you for good so you don't have suffer with them. As a general rule, don't mess with the skin or go underneath the nail as that can damage the nail and in your case lose the nail because of the infection. It'll grow back, but in the future, please go see a doctor. I'd hate for you to pick up a fungus or get chronic infections of your toe. Hope this helps!

