
Dog in grown toenail?

my dog has an ingrown tain nail and i was windering what do i do bc the vet cant accept any more pets in till after new years so i need to know what to do thanksDog in grown toenail?
Find another vet! Your dog obviously in discomfort! I cannot even imagine the pain of having a nail grown into my pad, ouch! You need a vet to remove the nail, possibly stitch the area, and then send you home with antibiotics and an Elizabethan Collar.

I have seen owners who waited too long to in this situation and they have actually done ligament damage due to the angle which the dog was walking to avoid the pain.

You need to be more responsible when it comes to clipping his nails so you do not have to deal with this situation again. Your poor dog is in pain!!Dog in grown toenail?
I believe your talking about a dewclaw. This is the ones that are on the side of the paws front and rear. This can be surgically removed without pain. Contact your Vet and let him/her advise you of the course of action that should be done. or go to the website...

find another vet htis can cause serious problems and needs tobe taken care of.
A good groomer ought to help - or, call another vet, please. I just had a foster dog with the same problem and I was able to take care of it but if you are not sure what to do, talk to a groomer. Good luck!
What do you mean the vet can't accept any more pets?

Take your dog to a different vet for help. If your dog needs vet care, which it sounds like he does, take him to see a different vet.

This is a painful situation and he can't wait 2.5 weeks to be treated. It could get infected. Plus, you don't want him limping and hurting that long. Just find another vet to see him.

