
My toenails are a yellow-brownish color, and very ? What should I do?

My toenails are a yellow-brownish color, and very thick, I have tried over the counter,and everything, what should i do. I want to wear sandals for the summerMy toenails are a yellow-brownish color, and very ? What should I do?
let me rip them offMy toenails are a yellow-brownish color, and very ? What should I do?
I would go to the doctor. If you can't, for whatever reason, I've heard that soaking them in Listerine or Windex works. I don't think the Listerine would hurt to try, but I'd be afraid of Windex.
Fungal nail infection, you need antibiotics or there's some stuff you can get to paint on, after you've filed the thickness off the nail. I think that has to be on prescription, too. It can take a long time to get rid of.
It is nothing to worrie about. go to your doctor and then take a good soke and paint them to cover up the colour of them
GO SEE A PODIATRIST ASAP! its probably fungus, and your Dr will give you a blood test and take a sample of your nail to make sure its fungus. If it is, then they will most likely put you on lamisil, for a few months, and hopefully it will go away for good. But trust me it will get better if you see a Dr, if not your nail WILL get worse. This generally happens if you walk bare foot, or you go to nail places and they use dirty tools, or if you take showers at the gym... I worked at a Dr鈥檚 office and I would see nails like that every day, Remember nothing over the counter is strong enough, so see a Dr, and you will be able to wear sandals again! Good luck
Buy some paint
Go to your doctor and get a prescription for Propecia. It takes awhile but it well clear it up.
Go to a foot doctor!!
You need to see a dermatologist! This is a fungal infection that cannot be treated with over the counter topicals. It can spread to your fingers if you let it go. The most effective cure is a prescription called Lamisil that the user must take daily for three months, so if you want to wear sandals this summer, it's best you get going, now!
How did this happen? Were you born with it or did you use so much polish you stained your nails?

If it's just genetic, chances are you can't do anything. I doubt people will notice unless they look at your feet. Besides, you can always paint them a nice color! Just keep them trimmed and buff them every now and then...

If you've stained them, lay off on the toenail polish for a bit, and give them lotsa nice soaks and at-home spa treatments!

Also, love your toenails! They are a part of you so don't be ashamed of 'em!
gat a prescription for lamisil
I would visit a doctor because you never know if you have an infection. Have you walked on a public floor like a shower floor in a gym or something? I definitely recommend seeing a doctor.
Go get a pedicure and if that don't work you might want to go see a doc and find out if there is something wrong.
Nail fungus go to the Doc. It takes a perscription. Maybe 6 month's to get rid of it.
Your toe nails have a fungus. You need to go to the doctors and get medicine. Maybe they will give you Lamisil or something like that. If you do this now you should be able to wear sandals for the summer. Good luck
go to the doctor. you have a fungal infection. i waited way too long and now i have to go in january and have some of them removed. dont let that happen to you good luck
Wash them.
Go to a doctor! Fast if you want to wear sandals by this summer!
they make medicines for that. see a docter and ask what to do. you probably have an infection.
Sounds like nail rot.Go to your doc to get it removed.
You definitely need to go to the doctor because it could be several things causing the yellowing. It sounds like you have a bacteria under your nails which needs a prescription. Your shoes may not fit properly as well so get this checked soon. If your diabetic, or it runs in your family please go to the doctor soon!

good luck!

1 条评论:

TaurenChieftain 说...

I think it's a fungus.. go see a doctor.. that would be the best solution..

how do you get rid of yellow toenails
