then all of a sudden i see this cut or something right where my toenail touches(all the way at the end).
The cut starts oozing this weird liquid thing and my toenail turns red.It hurts really bad.
What do i do to stop the pain(cut it more)?Help with ingrown toenail?
Yes go docs before it gets infected.
Description of the Procedure
Local anesthetic is used to numb the area, usually the whole toe. The doctor will pull the nail up and cut along the edge that is growing into the skin. A chemical may be used to prevent the nail from growing back in the same area.
A total nail removal is a more extensive procedure. For a total nail removal, the doctor eliminates the nail, the nail bed, and any adjacent tissue. The tissue may be cut away and stitches used to close the area. Alternatively, a laser will be used to destroy the tissue, or an acidic chemical will be applied to kill the nail's growth cells.
How Long Will It Take?
Less than 1 hour
Will It Hurt?
Most patients report no pain during the procedure once the anesthetic has been given. But injection of the local anesthetic can be painful; this discomfort can be reduced by careful administration by your doctor. Anesthetic injection into toes or fingers is usually quite painful due to tight skin and many nerve endings. Spraying with a topical anesthetic spray first before the injection may help. Some anesthetic preparations may be less irritating than others, so the doctor can reduce the discomfort somewhat.Help with ingrown toenail?
I had this on my big toe ages ago (since then I only cut my nails straight across and nick off the corners) very pain full.
I suggest NOT cutting it at all and soaking in the salt solution as above ALSO if u can pack a little cotton wool under the problematic corner of the nail to try and lift it out of the skin.
Do not go to a Chiropodist, I did with much regret.
Good luck with it.
topical analgesic....
no you can cut it more. you must go see a doctor.O.K.
Dont try infuriate it anymore - go see the doctor. Its generally recommended to not cut into the corners of your nails - this is what leads to ingrown nails. Dont wear any shoes which may put more pressure on it either.
Do not cut it have to go to the dr. because it's infected...they will give you antibiotics and clean it for you...wear open toed shoes.. and remember to cut and file your nails straight...or squared as they say...never exposing the skin...cutting them round is a recipe for disaster...
I know it hurts and I know you can feel it thump and when you touch it ,it hurts...go to the Dr. and in a few days you'll be ok..
if you do not, then maybe they will have to take part of the nail out...not good times
your toe was probably ingrown and infected. that weird liquid was puss,, bacterial infection. DO NOT CUT ON IT ANYMORE. make an appointment with a doctor to have it surgically pulled out/ cut back. They will see if they can squeeze any puss out, you might be put on anti biotics. in the meantime, before you see the doctor, soak your toe in warm water, either plain or with epsom salts, and put a little anti biotic cream on the tender area. try to wear open toed or loose fitting shoes till then as well. I had a serious problem with a toenail that kept getting infected the past two years, and actually had to have it removed last fall... good luck to you. oh, and wear clean socks. one last thing, your family doc probalby wont be able to treat it,,, mine couldnt. I had to go to a wound care clinic, and a podiatrist.. but they can refer you to whomever you need to take care of it.
go to the doctor
no cut a V in the middle of your nail so it grows together and pull out of the side and soak your foot in epsom salts which you can buy at the supermarket or phamacy
See your family physician. Ingrown toenails can be some nasty boogers, especially if you miss some of the ';debris'; in your toe and it gets infected. In the meantime, apply neosporin to the irritated cut.
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my advice is to go see a doctor.. it get infected.. don't do anything that might get it worst.
here's an info about yellowing of the toenails check it out